Wednesday, 23 January 2008

Final Idea

Our final idea is to create a title sequence involving a mix of memory shots and short,fast revealing shots. The revealing shots will show the viewer parts of the dead girls body, for example a close up of her eye or arm. They will be very short to give the viewer a quick glimpse of what the film would be about, these shots will be mixed with a variety of 'memory' shots, showing the girl and her movements before her death.
We will include a variety of shots; close ups, mid shots and long shots. Different types of shots will show the audience different things for example the long shots will let the viewer see the setting and where the girl is, mid shots will show the girl and what she is doing and the close up shots will show the emotion of the girl as well as her body parts to create tension.

We have decided to set our sequence in a wood, as it will be spooky and isolated adding to the tension and create a sense of nervousness for the viewer as there are many places for a person to hide then attack her. It is a dangerous sneaky environment for a girl to be wondering on her own.

We have based our sequence on the theme of betrayal, as we will be implying that a male figure, of which will be her boyfriend, killed her. These will shown in the rapid shots.

We intend on setting the scene in the woods during day and night, the 'memory' shots will be set in daylight and the edgy revealing shots will be set i the night/ evening. We intend on creating an eerie atmosphere with a great sense of mystery by having the revealing shots fast and short.

Camera work and Framing: The camera work is obviously hand held in the action shots, to portray the sense of a home video. A tripod is used for the panning shots.

Sound:We are using both diagetic and non diagetic sound in the sequence. The diagetic sound that we are using will be of birds singing over an establishing clip. Whereas the non diagetic sound that we are using is going to be our own music, of which we produced on garage band.

Editing:We are going to be editing our footage in three parts. One section will be of the female character having fun in the woods and the other part will be of the dead body. The third part will be of basic panning/ establishing shots, to set the scene and it makes a good place for us to add the opening credits.

Use of special FX: We are going to divide the happy shots and the flash shots by using a contrast of black and white against natural colour. we are also going to add a view finder effect to the black and white shots to make it look more like a home a movie.

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